Is One Piece for Kids?

By Andrea Nelson
February 20, 2024
One Piece cast
Source: Casey Crafford/Netflix

If you grew up watching One Piece, the pirate-themed anime series about a kid who is turned into rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit, you might be excited about the recently released live-action remake now streaming on Netflix and eager to share your love of the show with your kids. But is One Piece for kids? Read on to find out. 

One Piece age rating

Netflix gave both the anime series and the live action version a rating of 14+, calling out concerns like language, nudity, self-harm, smoking, and violence. 

But, as your gut might tell you, these hot topics are often portrayed very differently in animation versus live action. So, despite their identical rating, you’re likely still left with the question, “Is One Piece live action for kids?”

Common Sense Media rates the anime version of One Piece as appropriate for 11+ and the live-action series as appropriate for 14+. This rating difference is likely due to the milder manner in which animated violence is often perceived.  

Language in One Piece 

Parents who are concerned about language should note that both versions of One Piece do include the occasional use of profanity. In addition, the live-action version includes insults and name calling, as well as one instance in which a character gives someone the middle finger. 

Is there sex and nudity in One Piece?

When it comes to sex and nudity, both versions of One Piece are fairly tame. In the anime series, one of the main characters flirts heavily with the two female crew members, but it’s played for humor. 

The new live-action series features bare-chested male characters and a scene with a fully-naked character whose groin is covered by a pillow, but whose bare buttocks are shown. However, this scene is brief and played for laughs, rather than with any sexual overtones. The live-action series also has two characters who talk about liking each other and briefly kiss. 

Is there violence in One Piece? 

If violence is a sticking point for you when it comes to what your kids watch, you may want to proceed with caution before letting them view One Piece. Both versions of the show feature a wide range of violence, including executions, murders, hand-to-hand combat, and a variety of weapons. 

In the anime series, characters are often injured, but death isn’t common, and when it does happen, it’s rarely shown on screen. While Netflix’s live action One Piece doesn’t have the softening effect that comes from animation, the fight choreography is exaggerated and cartoonish. 

The camera typically cuts away at the moment the weapon strikes, cutting back to show the aftermath, which isn’t excessively gory. Both versions of One Piece include lessons that violence isn’t always the answer and can often make matters worse. 

Other considerations for parents

Parents should be aware that the new version of One Piece deals with instances of self-harm. Although they are handled thoughtfully, if this is an issue your child struggles with, it could be triggering. In addition, the live action series also shows a lot of heavy drinking, including by older teenage characters. 

Does One Piece have a positive message? 

Both versions of the show feature strong role models. The live-action series has a very diverse cast and positive messages about the power of friendship, chasing your dreams, and helping others. 

Final thoughts

So, is One Piece for kids? It’s worth noting that both the newer remake and the older anime version include some themes which may be inappropriate for younger kids. However, both versions are appropriate for older kids and include positive messages and strong role models.  

As with any new media you introduce to your child, it’s a good idea to watch it ahead of time (or watch it with them). If you’re concerned about the material your child consumes on their own, use a parental monitoring service like BrightCanary to supervise their activity online. Staying engaged, checking in with your child, and talking about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable goes a long way in supporting your child’s interests.

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