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We run a company dedicated to helping parents teach their kids how to use the internet safely. We’re also parents ourselves — so we know how difficult it is to keep up with the crucial tech news, devices, and social media platforms you need to know as a parent. We created this newsletter to make it easier for you.

Every two weeks, we'll send you an email filled with practical advice, news, and resources to support you and your kids in the digital age. We cover topics like:

  • The latest social media news and research parents should know
  • Information on new devices, platforms, and internet trends your kids may encounter online
  • Advice on difficult decisions like when to let your child have a social media account, whether to let them use ChatGPT, the pros and cons of location tracking, and how to implement a digital device contract
  • Tips on how to talk to your kids about tricky topics like deepfakes, cyberbullying, and social media addiction.

See an example of the newsletter here.

To subscribe, just provide your email address we won't share it with anyone else. And let us know if there's a specific topic you'd like us to cover in the future. 

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