10 Best Parenting Podcasts for Stressed-Out Moms and Dads

Son and mom sharing a sweet moment on couch together

Parenting is hard work, and let’s face it, do any of us really know what we’re doing out here in the land of raising children? Even the most confident among us could use help now and again. Parenting podcasts are a great way to find information, comfort, and catharsis about the trials and tribulations of parenting. To help you find your next binge listen, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite parenting podcasts. 


childproof parenting podcast cover

If you’re in the mood for relatable advice with plenty of laughter and a healthy dose of irreverence, then this parenting podcast is for you. The co-hosts are two parents attempting to “figure out the dos, don’ts and f*ck its of modern parenthood.” They cover everything from mom guilt and the benefits of (judicious) bribery to gentle parenting for parents who aren’t gentle people.

Dad University

dad university parenting podcast cover

Calling all dads! Dad University features advice for fathers on parenting, relationships, and family life. With episodes on discipline, parenting styles, and screen time, this podcast has something for every father. 

Good Inside 

good inside with dr becky parenting podcast

In this parenting podcast, clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy takes on tough parenting questions in short episodes (perfect for squeezing in on the drive from school drop-off to the office). Her advice is practical, actionable, and focuses on guiding you to become the parent you want to be while helping your child develop the skills they need. 

I Love My Kid, But…

I love my kid but... parenting podcast cover

Expert advice is great and all, but sometimes, parents just want to vent about their kids and have a good laugh about the follies of parenthood. In this weekly podcast, the hosting trio unloads about the joys and challenges of parenthood with honesty, humor, and zero judgment. 

Mom and Dad Are Fighting

mom and dad are fighting parenting podcast cover

This podcast from Slate offers advice on raising kids from toddlers to teens. The hosts share parenting triumphs and failures while taking on topics like avoiding activity overload, finding the magic in the middle school years, and gender-affirming care for kids. 

Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam

parenting teens with dr. cam podcast cover

In this podcast, geared toward caregivers of teens, adolescent psychologist Dr. Cam (aka the teen translator) chats with mental health and parenting experts about practical tips for setting your teen up for success — even when you feel like you’re failing them. 

Parenting in the Digital Age

parenting in the digital age podcast cover

This podcast explores the challenges of modern parenthood, such as AI in the classroom, raising neuro-diverse kids, and co-parenting through divorce. It features frequent guest experts and covers topics relevant to parenting kids of all ages.

Raising Good Humans 

raising good humans with dr. aliza podcast cover

It’s sometimes said that parenting is like playing the long game: the goal isn’t to have perfectly-behaved kids, it’s to raise them into good humans. In this podcast, Dr. Aliza Pressman — a mother, developmental psychologist, and parent educator — aims to help you do just that. She covers a wide range of subjects, but a particular emphasis is placed on topics related to social media, technology, and the digital age. 

Screens ‘n’ Kids 

screens 'n' kids podcast cover

Screens ‘n’ Kids takes on the murky digital waters of modern parenthood with practical, research-informed advice. The host is a mom and a mental health nurse practitioner who distills the scientific and medical data on screen use into relatable information for busy parents. 

The bottom line

The best parenting podcasts are the ones that keep you feeling connected, entertained, and very much seen. Give one or all of these a listen and add them to your podcast rotation — you might learn something new, or just have a much-needed laugh on your morning commute.

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